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Getting Refueled

"The law of the Lord is perfect, restoring the soul." -Psalm 19:7

Have you ever felt worn down? I'm sure we've all felt burnt out at one point or another. Just like a car needs gas to go, we need to fill ourselves up with spiritual fuel.

When our lives get hectic and we get stressed, we need to know where to go to get refreshed. We need to understand that we're not superhuman — we will eventually run out of steam. But with God there is unending supply!

Our connection to Him is like an umbilical cord to that supply, but in order to receive more we need to draw on it. We need to seek God. We need to be honest with Him, so no blockages can get in the way. We need to be filtered through worship, listening to good teaching, and through and the power of repentance so that we can receive all that He has for us. What's in you will come out of you... so make sure you're getting filled up with the right stuff!

Just as we are what we eat physically, our soul and spirit need spiritual food and water so we don't run dry. When we're burning out — it means we need more anointing, just like an oil lamp runs out of light without the oil. Remember the story about the virgins who ran out of oil, awaiting their bridegroom? We need to make sure we have plenty of oil on hand so we don't miss the God-opportunities in our lives.

"He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers." -Psalm 1:3

How do you get refueled? It is through the power of prayer, reading the word, worship, fellowshipping with other believers, or all of the above? A good mix is necessary to ensure we stay fueled. How are you engaging in getting refueled for your life?

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