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Paths of Righteousness

"The LORD says, 'I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you.'" -Psalm 32:8

Did you know that when we develop habits or thought patterns, we actually begin to create a "rut" in our brains?* That's why habits can become so hard to undo! It's also the reason addictions can be so difficult to break free from.

But, when we chose to live for God, He promises to lead us along the best pathways for our lives. All of this involves learning how to make good choices, have good habits, good boundaries, and living a peace-filled, love-filled, joy-filled life, serving Him.

When I was younger, I had a lot of depression, and a poor self-image. I couldn't understand why anyone would like me! But when I started learning more about God and what He thought about me, I realized I didn't need other people's approval to feel secure. In effect, God was re-wiring my brain to have a more accurate understanding of how He saw me and how He made me. And what a difference it made! Some of this involved un-wiring the lies the enemy had placed in my mind, and replacing the negative thought patterns with God's truth. When I discovered the roots of these beliefs and allowed God to fill them, I didn't struggle with depression any longer.

Are there any negative thought patterns or paths the enemy has led you down? Ask God to heal your heart and mind so that you can experience a greater level of His love and peace. God desires that we align our minds with His. "He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name." -Psalm 23:2-3

*For more on this, see Paul Hegstrom's book, Broken Children, Grown Up Pain.

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