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Waiting on God

"Be still and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world." -Psalm 46:10

We humans don't like to wait on God. We are naturally impatient. We want everything to happen -- right now! But sometimes our walk of faith requires patience. In fact, most of the time, it does.

You might have already noticed God's timing is very different than ours. He doesn't work by our standards. Did you know it took 15 years for Sarah to have a baby after God's promise to Abraham? When God told Abraham the first time he would have a son he was 86 years old. But when Sarah actually had Isaac Abraham was 100! God's timing is definitely different than ours.

When I think of people who have inspired me in my faith, it's not necessarily those ones who are busy doing lots of things for God. It's those people who take the time to really hear His voice, and get His anointing and presence on their lives. This is what truly changes us, and those around us.

To know God's timing we must wait on Him. Sometimes when we don't know what to do the best thing is just be still and listen. The answer may not come right away, but God's presence, grace and peace can get us through just about anything.

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